Computer Engineer


Web Development / Aerial Photography


Web Development
Static Website

A single webpage is ideal for businesses or individuals that want an online presence to showcase basic information such as company details, contact information or even a portfolio.

Dynamic websites are used for interactive platforms, giving the opportunity for users to engage with the business. This enables real-time intercations, creating a dynamic user experience centered on the businesses needs.

Hosting your newly created or already existing website requires logistics and can be hard to self-manage. Hosting services ensure that your business can display their content reliably free of managment.


- Custom Domain Name

- Professional Logo Restyling

- Web Referencing

Aerial Photography
Drone Session

In our session, a drone equipped with an integrated camera will record 4K videos and capture stunning 8K images focused on your selected area. Adhering to regulations, we can ascend to heights of up to 5,000 meters, providing an exceptional viewpoint of the surroundings.

35 minute sessions or bundles

➢ 48MP Camera

➢ 4K Ultra HD 60fps / Full HD 240fps

➢ 70km/h max speed

3D Printing
3D PLA Printing

With our newly received 22x22x25cm printer, we effortlessly transform your designs into reality. Printing has never been simpler – you can select from a diverse range of colors and finishes, making the process smoother and more customizable than ever before. With the possibility of printing using multi filament, the printer can print with an accuracy of 0.1mm, and layer thickness ranging from 0.1mm to 0.4mm, ensuring utmost detail and quality.

We will be offering per print pricing


Bassin d'Arcachon

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